Sew Day Sponsorship

Sponsor/host the next Sew Day! (The last Member Sew Day is Saturday, March 9.)


  • Sew Days are a free perk with Guild Membership, occurring periodically when members volunteer to arrange and host (up to three per membership year).
  • A minimum of 15 members must sign up for Sew Day for it to be held.
  • Members may invite a guest for a Sew Day, but each guest may be invited one time. The same member could invite a different guest for another sew day.
  • There are not enough outlets in the hall for sewers to bring their own irons which take a great deal of power. Only the Guild’s irons can be used. 

Sponsor a Sew Day!

Grab some friends or tablemates to sponsor a day of sewing for yourself and your Guild sisters!

What does that mean?  Your group will be responsible to plan, prepare, and follow through with only one Sew Day.


  1. Contact the Guild secretary with a Saturday date (and alternative), and she will contact the church secretary to reserve the date. 
  2. Once the date is secured, it will be added to the agenda, on the website with Sign-Up Genius, and put in the newsletter.
  3. SET-UP: Best done the afternoon prior to the sew day. Do it yourself or find volunteers to assist—husbands, kids, grandkids, or students in need of volunteer hours (e.g., NHS, NTHS, Confirmation students, Boy or Girl Scouts). Phone numbers of advisors/leaders will be available upon request.
    • Set up tables and chairs, rectangular tables in NE room off of main hall.
    • From our storage room, find the storage container with extension cords, power strips, irons and also the ironing boards.
    • Set up ironing station(s) (and cutting stations, if desired)
    • Obtain the North Door key.
  4. SEW DAY. Open doors. Lights. Check in those who signed up, monitor. Someone must be in the church hall throughout the day.
  5. CLEAN-UP.  Reverse Step 3! The room must be preserved to its original state.
  6. Double check to make certain the lights are off and the door is securely locked.
  7. Return the key.