
Membership dues are $30 annually. The new year starts on September 1.
New members are welcome anytime.

Three ways to join or renew your membership: 1) pay in person at a guild meeting, 2) pay onlne through RegFox ($2.39 fee will be added), or 3) send a check or money order in US Funds with the information below to:

North Star Quilters Guild
Dawn Lyste
3014 So 10th S
Grand Forks, ND 58201

Include the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email address where you want to receive update and the monthly newsletter

When we can’t meet in person, we’re connecting online! Check your email for the newsletter and notifications or contact us at

In 2023, Guild benefits include:

  • Monthly Guild meetings,
  • Sampler of educational tidbits at meetings,
  • Occasional education opportunities,
  • Monthly electronic newsletters with everything you need to know,
  • International Day with Manitoba Quilters,
  • Outreach opportunities,
  • Satellite group participation,
  • Quilts on the Red Quilt Show!
  • To be determined fun! (Send your ideas to Dawn P, your member representative)