North Star Quilters Guild meets monthly the first Saturday of each month (excluding July). This offers the opportunity for fellowship and the support of other quilters from the surrounding Northern Red River Valley.
Meeting Schedule
9:30 am Coffee time
10:00 am General meeting, Show & Tell
12:00 pm Workshops begin
Our meetings are held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
1515 5th Ave N.W, East Grand Forks, MN
unless otherwise noted.
Visitors are welcome to all activities. Come see what we do.
Sometimes special events will require us to meet at a venue with more space available.
Check the Calendar.
Please continue to bring your own coffee mug to guild meetings. This will save on the number of Styrofoam cups that end up in the landfill as well as reduce the cost of coffee supplies for the guild

Notes to Hostesses
- Click to read Hostess Information.
- If you are unable to attend, please find a substitute.
- If you need to reach the Hostess committee, please email the guild requesting contact information for Jane R or Seanne V.