A sure sign of spring has always been our May guild luncheon. This year, we celebrate spring and quilting with a May Day Luncheon. Sign up by April 9.
Join the fun!
- When: May 4, 2024, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
- What: Keynote Lecture, Demonstration and Shop with Willow Wood Market, Show-n-Tell, Lunch, Refreshments, and door prizes!
- Who: Quilters of all ages and skill levels, open to the public
- Where: Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
1515 5th Ave. NW
East Grand Forks, MN - Deadline to sign up: April 6 guild meeting or April 9 online.
- Cost: $23.
- Includes lunch and refreshments.
- Sign up in person at the April guild meeting, or online at Signup Genius.
Our main speaker will be our very own guild member and quilt judge, Colleen Carlson. Colleen’s topic for the day will be “A Pattern is Just a Suggestion”. You can read about Colleen and her lectures on her website: www.quiltjudgecolleen.com.
Bonnie Lundorf from Willow Wood Market in Bemidji, MN will demonstrate piecing with wool.